
I know it’s late but better late then never..

So for most of my life I’ve been feeling like I spread myself too thin. And by that I just mean that I make myself available to the people I surround myself with. But I’m over it… I just want to tend to my child and myself. None of my dreams and aspirations are gonna come together if I continue this kind of behavior. It’s crazy as soon as you fall back and put some well needed space between you and your people they get all offended as if your sole purpose in life is to serve them.

Everything I do for anyone is out of the kindness of my heart despite what anyone thinks. Nothing I do is for something in return BUT with that being said I cannot stand a person who can take, take, take and not offer up a piece of anything they have. I wish I could understand them.. them being the people who have their hand out consistently without so much as a thought of reciprocation. So obviously if someone who is constantly in need of something may not have anything to give so you think but sometimes an ear will do. Not a physical ear lmao but someone to listen. Someone you can drop your load off on and maybe receive some comforting words. Not everything has to be materialistic..

This turned very ranty very fast I see lol. Something else that’s been bothering me lately is people using “life happens” as an excuse to why you can’t support others dreams and aspirations. If I’m telling you about something I wanna put together an event or what have you and your first sentence is “I’ll see if I can make it but you know how life is” don’t even bother.. Cause it sounds like you don’t even want to put forth effort to be in the front row cheering me on as I do you. You know? Like damn didn’t even give me a chance to tell you all about it just “life happens, idk I’ll see” I understand that life happens bitch I KNOW right along with you but I do my part when it comes to showing up bc I make it a priority to me to show up for the people I love.. Fuck you mean life happens.. life happened to show me who the fuck I don’t want around anymore. Miss me with that shit. This isn’t the same as you’re on your way but your car broke down or some shit it seems like you’re shutting me down before I can even lift me up and I don’t fuck with it.

Lately.. I have been appreciating the good in my life and being blessed with so many amazingly great people who will forever be in my life if I have anything to do with it. Some people have pushed me to do better some have just opened my eyes about my actions or lack of. Everyone in my life has made me realize something about myself that I either adore or have been working to change for the betterment of myself, and I am forever grateful to you all.

So cheers for these feelings as of late 💛

Peace, love and I’m taking my own damn tea today 😘